Airbnb Calculator:
Estimate Vacation Rental Income

Your Reliable Short Term Rental Estimate
Numerous vacation rental calculators can be found on the internet, but none of them can match the precision, convenience, and simplicity offered by BVPI.
Unlike other online Airbnb rental calculators, which demand input of data for estimating potential Airbnb earnings, BVPI eliminates the need for you to conduct your own research. This ensures a higher level of accuracy and saves you from potential errors. Thanks to BVPI, you can skip the research phase as we handle it all for you.
How Do You Provide Rental Estimate?
Unlike many online Rental Calculators, we don’t rely on automated data because lot of times, there are factors that should be accounted for before an accurate estimate can be provided, this includes Amenities, number of properties available in the area and city regulations.
We use 3rd party tools and other data analysis techniques to deliver an honest review of your existing or potential property. Once you submit the form, our team will analyze data and provide a report in next business day.

Is this a Free Estimate or a Paid Report?
We offer a free analysis of the property that gives you a general idea about the property and its potential. We create a detailed report to help you understand the dynamics of the property followed by a free 30min consultation with our experts.
We also offer a detailed analysis upon request that is charged and includes complete information about if you should invest in the property and how much ROI is expected throughout the year. This analysis also includes a detailed consultation on the report with our experts, usually provided within 2-3 business days of form submission.
Frequently Asked Questions
We usually take 1 business day to provide a free estimate of your property. This is because we need to carefully compile a report which is not automated.
Many online calculators offer instant estimation which is not reliable because they don’t account for the specifics of your property. We go one step further and do a manual analysis on top of the available calculations to provide an esitmate.
Yes, both free and paid estimates include a consultation with one of our experts, who can help you understand details about the report.
Free estimate usually involves basic analysis of the property, the area and generally how much potential a property has. It does not however, provide a month to month estimate, seasonality or competitor analysis of the property. With paid estimate, you get all of it as well as detailed consultation with one of our revenue experts!
Free estimate usually involves basic analysis of the property, the area and generally how much potential a property has. It does not however, provide a month to month estimate, seasonality or competitor analysis of the property. With paid estimate, you get all of it as well as detailed consultation with one of our revenue experts!